Monday, May 31, 2010

The Cay

This is another 6th grade novel. The setting in World War II. When a boat is bombed in the Caribbean, a boy, who was raised to be prejudices and an older black man get stranded on a deserted island. The rest of their story is their adventure living with very little. This book provided some great discussions in my classes!


This is the story of three women, each with enormous hurtles to get over in their lives. One has cancer. Another had an affair with a student. Lastly, one is pregnant by her husband who also happens to be cheating on her. They spend the summer in Nantucket trying to sort things out. This book was a quick, easy read that I thoroughly enjoyed- nothing profound but a beach book for when you just don't wanna think much.

The Carrie Diaries

This is the first book about Carrie Bradshaw's early years. If you don't know who Carrie Bradshaw is, she is the main character from Sex in the City. This book takes place Carrie's senior year of high school. It's full of lovable characters, relate-able teenage issues, and laugh out loud hysterics. And most importantly, not to give away the whole ending, but let's just say she moves to a more familiar place and meets a familiar face at the end of the book. I can't wait for part two to come out.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Lovely Bones

I've had this book forever and finally decided to read it since I really want to see the movie. The first is a little harsh. Reading about a 13 year old girl getting raped and murdered is never pleasant, but the rest of the book was really good. I kept feeling like the plot was going in several directions, but none of them ever played out. I liked the whole book except for the ending. I didn't feel like it ever really ended.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

A Summer Affair

I read this book on my spring break cruise. I highly disapprove of affairs and I don't want to say that I now feel they are okay, but I guess I can see the desire behind one now. More than the affair part, I loved reading the friend/neighbor/family dynamics of this book. It does a great job of showing how life truly is- both the good and the bad.

Dovey Coe

This was a quick/easy read with a terrific voice. Dovey is accused of murdered the guy who was in love with her sister. He is a jerk of a guy. I loved Dovey's character. You can't help falling in love with her and her brother. This book brings in a lot of the culture of small towns and the way things were long ago while adding a perfect hint of mystery.

The World We Live In

The World We Live is the 3rd book in the Life As We Knew It series. It is every bit as consumable as the 1st two. Yes, a lot of the same issues are happening over and over again but the author manages to keep things fresh. I am hoping there will be a 4th book!